Free-lancing IT-consultants

The goal with the founding was to create an organisation that is fair, democratic, and that fulfills the needs of freelancing it consultants.

Both Markus and Johan have long experience as IT-consultants, as programmers, system engineers, architects and project managers. Both have worked both as employees in ordinary consultanting companies, through partnership consulting companies as well as freelancing consultants, through brokers or directly to clients.

Denna breda erfarenhet av att jobba på olika konstellationer har givit god insikt i för- och nackdelar med de olika uppläggen. Som frilansande konsult har man stor frihet att styra över sina uppdrag, men man har inte samma naturliga nätverk. I ett medarbetarägt bolag kan man ofta vara frilansande, men samtidigt del av någonting större. Nackdelen brukar dock vara att alla inte äger på samma vilkor. Grundare och tidiga ägare besitter ofta stor makt i bolagen.

Det var dessa erfarenheter som gjorde att Konsultkooperativet grundades hösten 2017. Mycket energi och arbete har lagts ner för att skapa en grund till ett bolag som ska ha alla fördelar från de olika uppläggen, men inga utav nackdelarna.

About Konsultkooperativet

Konsultkooperativet was founded in 2017 by two IT consultants, Markus and Johan, to create a common organisation to consult through. The goal was to create an organisation that was fair, equal, democratic, and that supplies the need of freelancing technology consultants with services such as administration, customer relations and sales support.

The organisation does not have a goal to make profit - so it was not founded to give capital gains to the founders. The founders only profit from the organisation by doing things together - which grows network, and business.

The organisations by-law says that it should not make any profit - that means that commision fees will always be minimized. The by-laws also stipulates how large the spending in the budget may be - this will make sure the commission fee will on average not exceed 6%.

Sounds interesting? In that case, you are welcome to apply for membership here!

© 2019. Konsultkooperativet fria teknik- och managementkonsulter.